Environmental analysis is a highly technical process to identify all the external and internal elements in air or water to see how many grades of threatening factors exist, environmental monitoring is a process that systematical surveys relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats that could influence future decisions, which can affect the organization's performance and measures to the pollution sources. It is to use fluid or air analysis and relevant technology to study the environment. The purpose of the analysis is to monitor and clarify the levels of pollutants in the atmosphere, rivers, and other specific areas. It is one of the most common microfluidic solutions in the market.
Water analysis and chemical analysis are the most representative parts, water analysis is to analyze how much pollution sources exist in water, how to reduce the pollution and control the discharge of harmful chemicals from industrial factories, and chemical analysis is to analyze how much is the proportion of each chemical contents and figure out how much of a certain target compound exists. Some researchers use chemical analysis to assess pollution levels for remediation or to make sure groundwater is safe for drinking. Some researchers analyze the soils to understand what each layer of soil is composed of and what measures to take to solve the abnormal changes, of course, samples are required to test then know how many areas should be monitored and take some protection actions. Many environmental analyzers are used to do this job, some of them work outside, some of them work in the lab, some of them are used for a large elemental analysis, and some of them are used for specific one elemental analysis. All these actions determine how to manage the overall systems. RUNZE fluid control equipment and high-precision fluid components are used in this type of analyzer as the very important part to deliver fluids from one side to another in very small volumes because samples are very limited to put in the instrument. We are very proud that we can do something the reduce the pollution of the environment on the earth.