In the process of using a peristaltic transfer pump, sometimes there is no water inlet. In general, if the peristaltic transfer pump operates normally, there are several main reasons for not inleting water:
1. The bottom or wall of a container containing liquid is sucked by the soft pipe mouth at the suction head.
Solution: fix and install the hose at the suction head of peristaltic transfer pump again.
2. There is air leakage in the hose at the suction head of the peristaltic transfer pump.
Solution: replace the leaking pipeline.
3. The hose at the suction head of the peristaltic transfer pump is blocked.
Solution: clean the blockage or replace the blocked hose.
4. Hose with nonstandard wall thickness is used. As a result, the working part of the peristaltic transfer pump can not press the peristaltic pump tubing tightly, resulting in air leakage of the hose.
Solution: replace it with the standard size hose.
5. The pressure clearance of the pump head changes. Under normal use, the standard hose cannot be pressed tightly, resulting in air leakage.
Solution: if the pump head is equipped with a pressure adjustment function, it needs to be replaced; If the pump head is equipped with a pressure adjustment function, adjusting the pressure adjustment knob until the hose is filled with water.